Contact us by sending an email or giving us a call – please note the specific extensions listed below.
Side door down from Main Entrance.
Please ring doorbell.
The Dog Park is closed for the season from November 1st until reopening on May 1st.
Did you lose a pet?
Did you find a stray animal?
HSSC can help! Click the button below to learn more.
Volunteers enable us to provide the very best care for our animals and help us provide support to the people and animals in our community. Volunteers are essential to everything we do! Shelter volunteers provide hands-on animal care such as grooming, exercising, kennel cleaning, general housekeeping, and socializing the animals.
Please ring doorbell at the Admissions door.
Contact Sheboygan Police Department’s non-emergency number at (920) 459-3333 to request an officer. The police department has access to the shelter.
3209 North 21st Street
Sheboygan, WI 53083
Wisconsin Dog Seller’s License:
DATCP# 521965 / 507095-DS
*The Following animals and conditions are excluded from the SNAP program: