Do you need assistance trimming your pet’s nails? We can help! We apply nail caps as well as give nail trims to dogs, cats, rabbits, and other critters.
Nail trim punch cards are available – buy four nail trims and get one free!
Schedule a nail trim today. Call 920-458-2012 x106.
All nail trims are subject to an extended nail trim fee of $10-15.
*Nail caps must be provided/purchased in advance.
Please ring doorbell at the Admissions door.
Contact Sheboygan Police Department’s non-emergency number at (920) 459-3333 to request an officer. The police department has access to the shelter.
3209 North 21st Street
Sheboygan, WI 53083
Wisconsin Dog Seller’s License:
DATCP# 521965 / 507095-DS
*The Following animals and conditions are excluded from the SNAP program: